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Endowment Fund

Endowment Fund

The St. Pius X Catholic High School Endowment serves as a long-term “savings account” for need-based scholarships, faculty and student  enrichment, and unrestricted funds for the growing needs of St. Pius X. The Endowment is an invested pool of money that provides a reliable source of income, providing annual distributions to continue the work of St. Pius X. All contributions are held in perpetuity and St. Pius X uses only annual earnings from these funds, leaving the principal intact. St. Pius X partners with the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia to manage funds. Together these funds total over $12,000,000.  The St. Pius X Endowment grows yearly as donors continue to invest in the future of the school.

There are three general types of funds within the larger St. Pius X Endowment – scholarships, faculty and student enrichment, and unrestricted support. Currently the Endowment is made up of more than 80 individual funds including the school’s general fund, which provides unrestricted support for the school.

To review our funds and to make a gift, click on one of the two categories directly below.