Mission Trips, Pilgrimages, and Retreats
Mission Trips
Interested in going on Mission with SPX?
Mission Trips are back!!! During the 2023-2024 year we will be going to the Dominican Republic during Spring Break (April 1-7, 2024) and on a domestic trip during the summer (dates and location TBD).
Contact Ms. Baker if you want to attend.
How can you help the St. Pius X Missions?
Pray! Our mission teams are hard at work throughout the entire school year preparing for our spring trips. For several of our student missionaries, this is their first official out-of-the-country mission trip. It is undeniable that the mission cannot happen without prayer. Please pray for the health and safety of our mission teams, as well as the efforts of Mustard Seed Communities in bringing the love of Christ and the Gospel message to the world.
Contribute! Missions of this magnitude not only take generous hearts willing to serve, but also the assistance of benefactors for the financial support of our student missionaries. All the money raised goes directly towards our student missionaries and providing the needs of the missions. Please contact Ms. Baker if you would like to make a contribution.
Every year at St. Pius X, students take a class pilgrimage. A pilgrimage is a physical journey that symbolizes our spiritual journey to Heaven. These class pilgrimages, or in a sense, retreat days, are an integral part of the St. Pius X mission. Each class visits a different location.
This year will be journeying to Kennesaw Mountain, Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery in Conyers, and the Biblical History Center in LaGrange.
2024 Domini Sumus Retreat
When and where: April 12-13-14 at Hidden Lake LifeTeen Camp
How to sign up: Click here to sign up
What we will be doing: This is a student planned and led retreat. We will have talks, small groups, laser tag, hiking, games, and more!
Cost is $130 and open to all SPX students.