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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Catholic Identity

St. Pius X is special because of the Catholic identity that animates the life of the school: first and foremost, St. Pius X is a faith community. With an enrollment of 70% Catholic and 30% non-Catholic, St. Pius X strives to serve all families who are seeking a faith-based educational environment. Our prayer every day is that our community would grow in a deeper and more profound relationship with Jesus Christ. We cultivate this relationship with Christ through active participation in the Sacramental life of the Church, encouraging and promoting Christian discipleship, as well as participating in apostolic service. Each student completes service projects each year through the Works of Mercy program. We have a monthly All School Mass, and Daily Mass is offered before school, Tuesday through Friday. Our Campus Ministry program interacts with students daily and hosts Class Revival Days, Boys’ and Girls’ Retreats, and international and domestic Mission Trips.

Welcome to St. Pius X Catholic High School Campus Ministry!

We are proud to support the spiritual needs of the St. Pius X community. In keeping with our motto, Domini Sumus, “We are the Lord’s” (Romans 14:7-8), our campus ministry team is committed to helping our students, faculty, and Pius families encounter the living God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our prayer every day is that our community would grow in a deeper and more profound relationship with Jesus Christ. For us at St. Pius, we cultivate this relationship with Christ through active participation in the Sacramental life of the Church, encouraging and promoting Christian discipleship, as well as participating in apostolic service. We invite you to look around our page and learn more about our weekly school events, retreats, mission trips, Works of Mercy program, and sacramental life.

May the Lord bless you abundantly and dwell in you richly.

“God’s goodness is infinite, and if my trust is in Him, I shall not be abandoned.”Pope St. Pius X


As a Catholic School family we believe that prayer “is the life of the new heart. It ought to animate us at every moment” (CCC 2697) and so we seek to provide many opportunities throughout our school day and year for our school family to come together and pray for the world, the Church, and the needs of our school community. In addition to daily Mass, monthly All School Mass, daily morning prayer, daily afternoon prayer, and prayer at the beginning of all classes, the following opportunities are available for our school family:

Parent Faith Formation

Navigating the spiritual life of the home can seem like a daunting task in today’s world, and families are not meant to do it alone. Campus Ministry partners with our Parents by offering periodic Parent Faith Formation Nights in the evening.

St. Pius X Prayer Chain

Parents, students, faculty, and alumni are welcome to join the weekly email prayer chain. Members of the prayer chain commit to praying for the needs and intentions of our school community. St. Pius X community members are invited to send prayer intention to

St. Pius X Mothers' Prayer Group

All St. Pius X parents are invited to join us in the Chapel one day each month to pray for the intentions of our students.

Campus Ministry

Fr. Robbie Cotta

Fr. Robbie Cotta

Miranda Contreras

Miranda Contreras

Director of Campus Ministry
Liam Byrne

Liam Byrne

Assistant Campus Minister

Mission Trips

At St. Pius X, we offer each student an opportunity to travel and share the good news of the Gospel to those in need. We offer one international mission trip and a domestic mission trip with the international during spring break and the domestic during the month of June.

Revival Days

Each class takes part in a day of rest and reflection in the form of a revival day. The goal of these days are for our students to recenter and refocus their hearts, minds, and souls.  Revival days are in-house retreat days where each class gets a chance to recreate and rest together with competitions, food and prayer. These days are mandatory and each student is expected to attend.


Retreats are an amazing opportunity for students to encounter God through fellowship, nature, and prayer. Student retreats are optional, held off-campus, and start right after school on Fridays, lasting until early afternoon on Sunday. These weekends are full of free time, games, sports, hikes, spiritual formation, Adoration, mass, and prayer.

Students for Life

Students for Life strives to develop a culture of respect for all human life, beginning here at home. The group meets monthly for prayer, discussion, and service project planning. In addition, students travel to Washington, D.C each year for the March for Life event.

Sacramental Life

“Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven.”
-Pope St. Pius X

All School Mass: Monthly (please see school calendar for dates and times)

Reconciliation: Penance Services once a semester (Advent and Lent) and by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration: Fridays from 8:00AM to 3:00PM beginning after Labor Day

“Pack the Chapel”: Lunch periods during the Advent and Lenten seasons

Works of Mercy

“We do charitable work so that we may learn to fulfill the task of becoming ourselves. But it is Christ who has enabled us to understand the ultimate reason for this, revealing the ultimate law of being and of life: charity.”Msgr. Luigi Giussani, founder of Communion and Liberation

At St. Pius X, we desire to form our students fully, for them to become completely themselves. This is why we do charitable work. Charity is God’s love for us and we are able to participate in this love through serving others as a gift of self. We see our belovedness and come to know our identity from the fact that the King of the Universe came down to serve us and know us. When we go out into the world and participate in God’s love through serving others, we come to know the goodness found in each human just as Jesus showed us. This brings purpose to our lives and to the lives of the people we serve. 

Charity is ingrained in our hearts and comes before our natural likes, dislikes and feelings. We are able to understand the word “charity” when we remember that the Son of God did not send us His riches (which He easily could have done) to revolutionize our situation, but instead He became poor like us: He shared our humanity with us. As a community, the only attitude we need is attention to those we serve, to share humanity with them, and to love them regardless of how we feel.

Learn More about Work of Mercy