Current Families
Student Handbook
In order to ensure that students and their families are familiar with the philosophy, rules, regulations and policies of St. Pius X Catholic High School, we ask that students and parents or guardians please read and review the St. Pius X Student Handbook and St. Pius X Honor Code Booklet. This form states that you have reviewed both the documents and acknowledge your agreement to abide by these rules, regulations and policies. All policies which have been updated or changed are highlighted in yellow.
Student Handbook Acknowledgement Forms
St. Pius X has a number of parent organizations that support the school and meet the needs of the parents, students, and faculty. The Home and School Association, the Athletic Association, the St. Pius X Arts Society (SPAS), and The Mothers’ Club are all vibrant and active organizations which support the school with their volunteerism, fund raising, and prayer. Find more information about these organizations below.
Athletic Association Home & School Association
Mothers' Club St. Pius X Art Society SPAS
Microsoft 365 A3 (formerly Microsoft Office) is available for St. Pius X Catholic High School students for Free through our school agreement with Microsoft!
- An Overview of Microsoft 365 for your device.
- View Microsoft 365 Enrollment and Download instructions
- Register for Microsoft 365
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