School Immunizations
MCV4 Vaccine
MCV4 or meningococcal conjugate vaccine, is a two-shot vaccine. The primary vaccine is at age 11-12, and the booster is at age 16. The two shot vaccine protects against the four types of the bacteria that causes meningococcal disease (serogroups A,C,W and Y).
Effective July 1, 2021 the Georgia Department of Public Health is requiring children 16 years of age and older, who are entering the 11th grade (including new entrants), must have received one booster dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4), unless their initial dose was administered on or after their 16th birthday. If your birthday is during the 11th grade school year, a 30 day time frame is enforced by state law to become updated with a booster.
For more information go to the Georgia Department of Health website.
Medication Policy
The Clinic does not dispense Over-the-Counter Medications to Students.
Students are allowed to carry OTC medications in their backpack as long as it is labeled with the student’s name and is in its original store purchased travel size container. Students are allowed to carry 1 day’s dose of OTC medications in their backpack. OTC medication is not to be shared with other students, if so disciplinary actions are possible.
All Prescribed Medications must be dispensed through the Clinic, and have on file a Medication Permit Form completed.
Medication dispensed through the Clinic must be in its Original Container labeled with the student’s name, name of the medication, and administering instructions. The exception is Epi-pens, Rescue Inhalers and Insulin, these emergency medications can be carried by students once their Action Plan is completed.
Diastat and Nebulizers will not be accepted in the Clinic
If your student is Diabetic, please contact the Clinic, I will set up a time for us to meet, and to review your student’s Action Plan. Also, this will be a good time for you to bring in your student’s supplies that need to be stored in the Clinic.
If your student has been prescribed any emergency medication such as an EPI-PEN (allergies), a RESCUE INHALER (asthma), Insulin (diabetes), Glucagon (hypoglycemia), Nayzilam spray (seizures) the following forms and medication needs to be supplied by you for the School Clinic.
Scroll and click on to Forms, a list of Forms will come up. Click on to the Form that pertains to your student’s needs.
- Action Plan completed by your Physician and Parent
- Medication consent form signed by your Physician and Parent
- Emergency medication prescribed by your student’s physician in the original pharmacy container with the original pharmacy label.
All Student Medications must be picked up from the Clinic at the end of the school year. Medications will be discarded if not picked up either by Parent or Student.
If your student has other health conditions that may need to be addressed here at St. Pius, please contact the Clinic. It is important that I am in contact with you regarding all health issues concerning your student.